
She Doesn’t Want Her Older Sister To Come To Prom Because She’s Afraid She’ll Outshine Her Classmates

millaf - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A teen named Lia is a senior in high school, and she has a 22-year-old sister. Back when her sister was a senior in high school, she never got to attend prom.

Prom is expensive, there’s no way around it, and when it came time for her sister’s prom, their mom and dad didn’t have enough money to cover all of the costs to allow her older sister to go.

Lia’s about to have her prom, and where she is from, prom is kind of like a huge party that the graduating students go to and they also invite their loved ones too.

Lia ended up getting 6 prom invitations from her school, so she gave 2 invites to her parents, and then her parents pressured her into inviting her older sister too.

As soon as Lia invited her sister, her sister excitedly got everything planned and ready for prom.

Lia’s sister questioned her about the color of the prom dress she wanted to wear, and she also asked her about how she was going to do her hair and makeup.

Several weeks after that conversation, Lia’s sister showed her the neon dress and stilettos she picked out to wear to prom.

“This left me very confused because as a grown woman (and my sister, in particular, is very tall) wearing such strong colors and such big shoes would draw attention from anyone,” Lia explained.

“It’s not just about me, the prom is not exclusively mine, there will be lots of girls and boys wanting to be the stars of the night, and I can imagine how frustrating it would be to see some random woman stealing your attention (since my class colors are a very dark red).”

millaf – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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