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His Girlfriend Constantly Talks About How Guys Are So Attracted To Her And He Thinks She Sounds Full Of Herself

lashkhidzetim - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A guy is in a relationship with his 28-year-old girlfriend named Val, and they have been dating for a year and a half. He does enjoy being with Val, and they have a lot of shared interests.

Around one year ago, they decided to be exclusive. Back when he first did meet Val, she had pretty much no confidence in herself, so he’s done his best to make her feel great about who she is.

“…I would compliment her a lot and try to build her up,” he explained. “Now I think that was a mistake.”

“Everything was smooth sailing, but for the last few months, she’s been telling me about different guys that have told her they’re interested in her and would ask her out if she was single or have checked her out.”

His initial reaction was one of indifference since he wasn’t exactly sure how he should reply to what Val was telling him.

But then Val got to a point where she was constantly talking about all these guys that found her attractive.

She would talk about her male coworkers who liked her, or strangers in the stores that she encountered who were so into her.

Several weeks ago, he mentioned a girl that’s dating one of his friends, and Val went so far as to insist that this girl had checked her out, to which he simply rolled his eyes.

Right after Val brought that up, they decided to go swimming together. As they made their way past a few guys who were near them, Val said they were all checking her out.

lashkhidzetim – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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