
She Drove All Her Friends To Prom And Didn’t Want To Leave Early, So They Had To Pay For A Ride Home

“This branch of the nervous system regulates functions we don’t consciously control, such as heart rate, blood pressure, sweating and body temperature. The key characteristics of POTS are the specific symptoms and the exaggerated increase in heart rate when standing.”

So Kara then mentioned that she figured Wendy would have been alright with spending 4 hours at their prom, but she was wrong.

Wendy was feeling so awful that even though they all had only been there for about a half-hour, Wendy was ready to go home.

Kara expected her to leave prom early and drive them all back, and Kara mainly wanted her to do this so that Wendy would not feel left out of the rest of their evening.

“I was upset and asked her why she hadn’t told me this could happen, but she brushed it off and said that she didn’t want to reveal Wendy’s medical history to someone who hardly knew her and that she didn’t think it would be a problem,” she said.

“But now that Wendy wanted to leave, we all needed to leave in order to support her. I said that I felt bad for Wendy (which I do) and that it wasn’t her fault she had POTS, but that I wanted to stay.”

She told Kara she and Wendy were free to go, but she was not going to be leaving prom so early after arriving.

Even if she had offered to give them all a ride home early, it would take around an hour to do that, and prom was only 4 hours long, so she would be missing out on a lot.

If Kara had owned up to Wendy having POTS prior to prom, she also would have been more agreeable perhaps to giving them a ride back, but she was upset Kara kept that information from her.

Kara became furious with her for not giving in and taking them home, and their only option back at that point was to call an Uber.

She walked off as Kara called her a “terrible friend” and Kara and Wendy left not long after that in the Uber.

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