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She Just Found Out That The Guy She Has Been Dating Printed Out Photos Of Her From Social Media And Framed Them Around His House

kopitinphoto - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 22-year-old woman has been dating a 24-year-old guy named Steve, and she got to chatting with Steve after he sent her a message on social media that was, well, random.

She didn’t know Steve and had never met him in real life, but she figured the message was harmless.

But then, Steve began sending her multiple messages every couple of months, and he blocked her right after the message got delivered.

Steve kept doing this again and again, and then this February, Steve sent her a message that included his phone number before blocking her one more time.

“I decided to text him thinking I’d just troll him and move on with my life,” she explained. “However, we texted for months and got super deep and got to know each other to the point where we both decided to grab coffee and meet in person in May.”

Right after that date, Steve asked if they could be boyfriend and girlfriend, but she was not exactly keen on this idea.

She had learned that Steve isn’t going to college and also does not hold down a job, and that made her pause and think that he doesn’t exactly have his life in order.

Although she wasn’t ready to jump into a relationship with Steve, she wanted to keep talking to him. As she did, she realized he was very nice and that only made her like Steve more than she had before.

Steve also asked her out on another date, and she said yes. She asked Steve to drive to her house to get her for their date, and she figured it wasn’t a problem to give Steve her address.

kopitinphoto – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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