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She Went On A Mini Golf Date With A Guy Who Complained About How Expensive It Was Before Getting Upset With Her For Not Wearing Heels

There have got to be hundreds of “bad date” stories out there, and we’ve found an extremely terrible one that’s worth sharing.

A TikTok user named Caysie made a video describing an awful date she had with a guy that she had been talking to online for a couple of weeks.

When the two finally decided to plan their first in-person date, Caysie suggested going to play some mini-golf.

“It’s [mini-golf] better than dinner, it’s more fun,” says Caysie.

Caysie watched her date pull up to the mini-golf place in his Audi car before they walked in together to purchase their admission tickets.

After the cashier told the couple that it would cost $14 for the two of them to play, her date looked appalled.

“I just can’t believe mini golf is so expensive these days,” he said.

Caysie notes that during some of their past conversations, her date would constantly talk about how he was financially independent, and how happy he was to have a well-paying job. Interesting.

TikTok; pictured above is Caysie in her video

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