She Put A Lizard-Friendly Spin On The Cowboy Caviar Trend And TikTok Loves It

Have you seen “cowboy caviar” all over TikTok? The recipe is just like it sounds– a delicious concoction of beans and vegetables that is cheaper yet, arguably, just as good as caviar.
And people across the country have hopped on the bandwagon, making bowl-fulls of it and scooping it up with chips or crackers.
But, one TikToker named Emily decided to put her own twist on the trend. Instead of just creating the cowboy caviar for herself, she also made a version that her bearded dragon– Lenny– could eat.
The idea was sparked after Emily realized Lenny could eat almost all of the necessary ingredients separately. So, she figured, why not make him his own?
For Lenny’s dish, Emily first chopped up some yellow, orange, and green bell peppers.
She also diced some cucumber, pineapple, cilantro, and mango, before combining it all together in one bowl.
And for her own cowboy caviar, Emily combined pinto beans with the same vegetables and fruits Lenny received.
She also added the ingredients Lenny cannot have, including canned peaches, red onion, olive, corn, and jalapeños.
TikTok; pictured above are Emily and Lenny
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Finally, Emily topped off her dish with some crumbled feta cheese before mixing it all together.
Then, after preparing both dishes, Emily and Lenny adorably enjoyed their own cowboy caviar together.
Lenny even used the cucumber slices as his own “chip” to scoop up the mixture. How precious.
The TikTok community loved watching Emily and Lenny interact while making the two recipes and also appreciated learning about the reptile-friendly version of cowboy caviar.
Emily’s video reached nearly one hundred and sixty thousand viewers and gained over twenty-two thousand likes.
“I did not realize how enjoyable watching a lizard eat could be. I love him!” wrote one user.
“Lenny eats gooooood!” joked a second commenter.
“I love your page! Lenny is hilarious. I have learned so much for my own bearded dragon. Thank you!” said a third user.
To learn more about Emily and Lenny, you can visit Emily’s TikTok account @Lizzardlenny. There, she shares all types of bearded dragon-related content.
Or, to watch the original TikTok video and re-create your own cowboy caviar, you can visit the link here.
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