Her Boyfriend Threw Her A Birthday Party, But She Wound Up Hating It Because He Was Giving One Of His Female Friends Way Too Much Attention

Drobot Dean - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
Drobot Dean - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A couple of weeks ago, a young woman had a birthday celebration that her boyfriend put together for her.

None of her loved ones were able to make it to her party since they all live really far from where she does, and she just moved to a brand new city.

Instead of her own friends and family members being there, her boyfriend invited his friends to her party.

“He paid for everyone and bought a beautiful cake,” she explained. “Yet I felt upset all the evening, and I feel guilty for it.”

The reason why she was so unhappy at her own party comes down to one of her boyfriend’s female friends that were there.

This girl is someone that she knows quite well at this point, and this girl is super intriguing and hilarious…but she comes with basically no “boundaries.”

“For example, when we were taking some photos, she pretended to give a quick kiss on my boyfriend’s cheek (but stopped before the photo was taken, and he didn’t notice),” she said.

“Later in the evening, she wanted to dance. She invited everyone to dance but I said no as I don’t like it.”

“The other people didn’t want to dance as well, so it ended that she went dancing alone with my boyfriend, and I felt embarrassed.”

Drobot Dean – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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Her boyfriend was putting so much attention on his friend, and she felt that it was at the expense of herself.

She felt incredibly lonely, and she watched as her boyfriend spent tons of his time chatting with his friend while she sat by herself.

As the night came to a close, her boyfriend’s friend wanted everyone to take a dip with her in a nearby lake.

It was midnight at that point, and she had no interest in going, so she didn’t. Her boyfriend and his friend headed off with the rest of the guests, and she just stayed behind.

“In a few words, I didn’t enjoy my birthday party at all, and I said that to my boyfriend, who was a little bit upset with me about it,” she continued.

“So I don’t know if I have been ungrateful or if I was right to feel upset.”

Would you feel the same way if you were her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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