
His Fiancée Asked Her Former Friend With Benefits To Grab Coffee With Her, And He Thinks This Is Pretty Fishy

He couldn’t believe that his fiancée had said yes to grabbing coffee with this guy without running it past him first, and he questioned her about why she wanted to even go do this.

“She said it’s something to do that will get her out of the house, and she wouldn’t mind having at least one friend,” he said.

“I figure that’s hard to argue with, she spends all day at home looking after our daughter when I’m at work, and she doesn’t really have anyone to speak to during that time, so I get why some social interaction would appeal.”

“So while I am uncomfortable with it, I would feel too bad stopping her because I know how lonely she gets. I tell her I don’t mind and she can go if she wants. And that’s the end of the conversation, but it keeps bothering me.”

As he began to think this all over, something about the whole situation just did not sit right with him.

He didn’t think it was a likely scenario that his fiancée commented on something on social media without stopping to check to see who posted it beforehand.

He then considered that perhaps his fiancée’s former friends with benefits was the first one to strike up a conversation, but perhaps his fiancée did not want to tell him that.

Everything was irritating him so much that he decided to go straight to the source, and he picked up his fiancée’s phone while she was fast asleep to check her messages.

As he looked through her phone, he could see that his fiancée did start the conversation with her former friend with benefits, and then she asked him out for coffee, not the other way around like she had told him.

He kept looking at the messages and found out that his fiancée stated that she would have to bring their young daughter along for coffee if they met up during the weekday, but his fiancée did not once bring him up.

His fiancée and her former friend with benefits made plans to get coffee this upcoming Tuesday, but the worst part about the messages was that he could see that his fiancée had been messaging this guy while he was sitting right next to her that night.

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