
She And Her Husband Kept Canceling Her Stepdaughter’s Visits To Take Care Of Their New Baby, So Now Her Stepdaughter Wants Their Visitation Rights Taken Away

“She said, ‘My dad and stepmom cannot even take care of the kids they have. Yet, they keep having more. So much for a reliable, loving parent,'” she recalled.

Then, after her stepdaughter posted that, a bunch of her family members began commenting and asking what was wrong. And the stepdaughter said she and her husband kept canceling on “her” time.

But, she does not believe it is just her stepdaughter’s time at all. Instead, she feels it is also her husband’s time with his daughter– and that he has been sacrificing, too.

“It has been a very difficult situation for both of us,” she said.

Nonetheless, her in-laws are now claiming that she and her husband are total jerks after seeing the social media post.

They have even stopped helping her care for her younger children in response.

And now, she and her husband may lose their relationship with the stepdaughter altogether.

It all started when her husband tried to get in touch with his daughter. But, her stepdaughter would not answer the phone.

Plus, when he went to visit his daughter in person, his daughter saw him through the window and refused to open the front door.

Afterward, her husband decided to call his ex-wife and talk over the situation. But, his ex-wife explained that his daughter now wants to go back to court and fight to have his visitation rights taken away.

In turn, all of this has pushed her and her husband to wonder if canceling a few visits to catch up on some sleep was the seriously wrong thing to do.

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