
The True Story Of Anne Boleyn’s Brutal Execution Has Led Many To Believe She Now Haunts The Tower Of London

Anne And Henry’s Marriage Falls Apart

After pushing for a marriage to Anne for so long, King Henry’s passion for his second wife sure did fade quickly. And it was likely due to Anne’s inability to provide her new husband with a son.

In September 1533. Anne welcomed their first child– a daughter who would go on to become the future Queen Elizabeth I. Shortly after, though, Henry lost interest in his wife and began sleeping with other women.

And amidst the adultery, Anne sadly had a miscarriage in 1534. Then, in January 1536, she tragically gave birth to a stillborn son. This enraged Henry and ultimately turned him against Anne– so much so that he even sought to take her life.

Anne’s Tragic Execution

By May of that year, Henry had accused Anne of cheating with various men and even of having relations with her own brother. Then, he had Anne committed prisoner to the Tower of London– where she awaited trial.

But, the seemingly political trial never gave Anne much hope. Instead, she was unanimously convicted of treason by the court and condemned to a brutal execution.

“Be burnt here within the Tower of London on the Green, or else to have thy head smitten off per the King’s pleasure,” read Anne’s sentence.

So, Anne awoke on May 19, 1536, and prepared for her execution day. Apparently, Henry felt “moved by pity” and did not want to have his wife burned at the stake. So, he declared that Anne would be beheaded.

Although, Henry’s choice was likely more selfish than he led on. The execution of a Queen was unheard of, and being burnt at the stake was a more common consequence for female traitors at the time.

Plus, the accusation that Anne had adultered Henry had already cast doubts among the public about his manhood and ability to please a woman. So, he did not want to condemn Anne to a drawn-out and “typical” means of execution that would only draw more negative attention to himself.

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