
Parents Shared Their Children’s Spookiest “Past Life Memories”

Her Daughter Started Talking To Their Great Grandmother

“When my daughter was three and starting to talk clearer, she was talking to someone. Concerned, I walked into her bedroom, and no one was there.”

“Initially, I thought it was her playing with her toys. But days later, the same scenario happened. That time, I asked who she was talking to, and she replied, ‘your grandma.'”

“I thought she meant my mom– who had recently passed. So, I showed a picture of my mom and asked if that was her. My daughter replied, ‘No, your grandma.'”

“So, I found a picture of my grandma, and with a big smile, my daughter said, ‘Yes, her.’ I was shocked since I didn’t have any pictures of my grandma displayed. She died in 1991, and my daughter was born in 2015.”


Her Daughter Remembered The Womb

“My youngest, between the ages of four and five, would tell me about how warm and ‘cozy’ she was in my belly. Also, how cold and scary it was to be born.”

“And how the hardest part of being born was that she ‘used to know everything,’ but now she ‘does not know anything.'”

“I would give her space to talk. Her frustration at almost being able to remember ‘everything’ was nearly palpable.”


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