
Her Brother Has Always Acted As Though She Literally Does Not Exist, So After She Got Asked To Be A Bridesmaid In His Wedding, She Declined And Actually Said She Would Not Be Attending At All

therabbithole - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This young nineteen-year-old woman has a brother who is thirteen years older than her. Throughout her entire life, though, she claims that her brother has made it clear he would have much rathered been an only child.

First of all, they have never had a close sibling relationship. On the contrary, her brother actually has never made any time for her.

She believes that he truly never wanted to let her into his life and was not interested in having a place in hers.

Then, even after her brother moved out of their childhood home, everything stayed pretty much the same. Her brother remained distant– only speaking to her parents. And even when he would visit home, he would apparently act like she was not even there.

So, over the years, she was kind of forced to just get used to it. Even though it really hurts sometimes.

For instance, back when she was just twelve, her parents decided to ask if she could stay at her brother’s place for one weekend since they had to attend an adult-only wedding.

“He said no, but he didn’t just say ‘no.’ He was clear that he would never want that kind of contact with me,” she revealed.

This ultimately caused her parents to get into a back-and-forth argument with her brother. And even though she is not sure how bad their fight actually got, all she knows is that her parents never asked her brother to look after her again.

So, ever since then, she has felt pretty confused by how her brother has treated her. It always stood out how he appeared almost disgusted by the idea of spending any time around her.

therabbithole – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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