
Dear Men: No, These Common Behaviors Do Not Mean Women Are Flirting With You

Appearing Put-Together

Do you really think that women go through the effort of picking out a nice outfit, completing their skincare, doing their makeup, and blowing out their hair for the slim possibility that a guy will love their eyeliner or fawn over their curls?

The honest answer is no. Most women just complete these daily routines because they are relaxing, add discipline, and provide a personal sense of worth. Still, too many guys think “looking good” is a definite attempt to get potential suiters lining up.

“Looking pretty (dressing nice, doing my makeup, etc.) and being nice. I dress up for myself, not you. I am nice because that’s what decent human beings do.” –Middlescore

Laughing And Cracking Jokes

Aren’t women allowed to have a sense of humor and laugh sometimes, too? Well, too often, the enjoyment is killed immediately afterward once women realize that their fun personality trait is being misinterpreted as some quirky come-on.

“An employee of mine and I would always light-heartedly roast each other and make funny (professional) jokes. Next thing you know, he started a rumor around the store that I hit on him. I’ve been with my spouse for ten years.” –Number5withcheese

“LAUGHING. Just laughing. It is very easy to make me laugh, so this becomes an issue for me quite often. I’m very blunt and open about whether or not I have feelings for someone, but clearly, I’m lying if I laugh at their jokes. If I like everyone that makes me laugh, I must be into all of my friends, my family, my pets, other cute animals, and funny posts on the internet, too.” –Queen_of_the_moths

Holding Open A Door

Okay, this final one might sound oddly specific. Okay, this final one might sound oddly specific. But it perhaps ties back to traditional ideas of chivalry and is seriously worth discussing.

Back in the day, men were always supposed to hold open doors for women. Nowadays, though, women are strong and independent and don’t really need that kind of treatment. Moreover, women are also willing to hold open the door for other people. Shocking, I know.

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