Her Husband Made A Really Inappropriate Knock-Knock Joke About Her Brother And Sister-In-Law’s Infertility And Adopted Son, So Her Parents Kicked Him Out On New Year’s Eve

Syda Productions - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Syda Productions - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This woman has been married to her second husband, Mike, for about four years now. And according to her, Mike is a complete “jokester” who absolutely loves to crack jokes all of the time.

Plus, Mike specifically loves to joke around with her brother, Ethan, and Ethan’s wife. She also claims that her brother used to enjoy the teasing, too. Well, that was until recently when Ethan accused Mike of taking the jokes way too far.

For context, her brother Ethan and his wife struggled to conceive their own biological children. So, about two years ago, they decided to adopt a boy named Joey.

Ever since then, though, her husband thought it would be appropriate to make digs about Joey’s adoption.

And she apparently sees no problem with it– writing the habit off as “silly” and “lighthearted.”

“Mike has been making silly, lighthearted jokes that involved Joey’s biological parents as a way to mess with Ethan and his wife,” she said.

She also claims to have spoken with her husband in the past and is adamant that he means no harm at all by the jokes. Instead, Mike was apparently just trying to get Ethan and his wife “to react.”

On New Year’s Eve, though, Mike’s tendency to push the couple’s buttons sparked some serious drama.

That night, her parents had hosted a large celebratory dinner, and she and her husband attended as well as Ethan and his wife. Then, after everyone sat down to eat, Mike decided to tell Ethan a knock-knock joke.

Syda Productions – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

So, as it goes, Mike said, “knock-knock,” to which Ethan replied, “who’s there?” Then, Mike outrageously said, “Joey’s biological parents,” before reportedly bursting into laughter.

Aside from Mike’s laughing fit, though, the rest of the table was in complete silence. Plus, her brother’s facial expression completely changed, and Ethan’s wife even called Mike an idiot.

But, her husband still did not get how inappropriate his joke was and even tried to say, “Hey, relax, it was just a joke.”

Then, if you could not have guessed, dinner was immediately paused, and a massive argument broke out at her parent’s house.

Thankfully, though, her parents did take Ethan and his wife’s side– telling her husband, Mike, that he needed to leave the dinner immediately.

Still, she shockingly believes that her parents took it way too far by trying to kick Mike out. So, she pulled her parents aside and tried to calm them down– explaining that Mike was just joking.

Her mom was not having it, though, and insisted that Mike get out. So, she and her husband ended up leaving, and Mike would not stop complaining about how badly her family “overreacted.”

She also decided to call her mom later in another attempt to talk through the situation. Quite honestly, though, her mom maintained that Mike was entirely out of line by making jokes about an obviously touchy subject.

Moreover, her mom claimed that she should not be defending her husband or claiming he was “just joking” and even accused her husband of ruining New Year’s for the entire family.

She was not hearing her mom, though, and instead snapped back that it was actually her mother and father who ruined the New Year’s Eve celebration by “escalating the situation” and kicking Mike out.

“I also told her he could talk to them. But again, they were the ones who ruined the New Year’s celebration,” she added.

After that, her mom simply called her “delusional” for saying that before hanging up the phone. And now, she has not spoken to her parents in days, and she has been unable to get in touch with her brother Ethan.

So, with her entire family still beyond pissed off at her and her husband, she has been left wondering if accusing her parents of actually ruining the party by kicking her husband out was the right way to handle the situation or not.

Can you believe her husband Mike thought it was appropriate to joke about infertility and his adopted nephew’s biological parents? Why do you think she is okay with her husband bullying her brother and sister-in-law? If you had been in her shoes, would you have continued defending your husband? Do you believe she will be able to reconcile this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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