She Decided To Pull Out Of Her Sister’s Wedding After Learning That Her Sister Invited A Bunch Of Single Men And Was Going To Play Matchmaker At The Event, But Now Her Whole Family Is Angry At Her

alexkoral - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
alexkoral - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When this young woman was seventeen years old, she started dating her late husband. They fell head over heels for each other, ended up getting married during their twenties, and even had five children together.

But then, about five years ago, her husband tragically passed away at only thirty-one years old– leaving her and her very young children behind. So, as you can imagine, the last few years have been incredibly challenging.

In order to cope with the grief, though, she decided to throw herself into focusing on parenting her children, as well as partaking in hobbies she enjoys and furthering her career. She also admitted to having absolutely zero interest in trying to get back into the dating pool or find a new partner.

Her family, on the other hand, appears to have completely opposite motivations. Apparently, some of her family members– and specifically her sister– have tried to “encourage” her to find a new partner, find a father for her kids, and simply find more love.

Understandably, though, she simply is not interested. And she claims to have told her sister this repeatedly over the years.

In fact, even as a teenager, she reportedly had zero interest in dating guys. But, after meeting her late husband, she claimed that he was just the exception.

“I loved him. I was best friends with him. We were compatible in every way, and we found a relationship that worked for the two of us. It gave us a life better than we had planned on,” she explained.

Now that she is in her thirties and a widow, though, her interest in dating has never been “sparked” again.

So, she has begged her sister to try and understand that; to realize that she is currently living the life she wants to live and is not just some “broken-hearted shell” of a person.

alexkoral – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

And for a while, it actually seemed as though her sister finally began to accept her wishes. Well, that was until just recently, when she found out that her sister had been concocting a secret plan to ambush her and play matchmaker.

For context, this situation all stems back to a few months ago after her sister announced that she was engaged.

Then, in February, her sister sent out all of the wedding invitations– which revealed that the event would be held in December.

When she received her specific invite, though, she also found a thoughtful note left behind by her sister and future brother-in-law.

Apparently, the note detailed how they would be covering the cost of her hotel room since they know that she is a single mom now.

Moreover, they realized that having her leave her three kids behind to travel to a wedding would not be cheap– even though her in-laws would be watching the children.

So, she appreciated that offer and ended up deciding to RSVP ‘yes” to her sister’s wedding. But then, over Christmas, her brother finally spilled the beans about her sister’s real plan– and she was furious.

Apparently, her brother revealed that her sister had rounded up a bunch of single men and invited them to the wedding, too.

Then, her sister actually recruited some other wedding guests to help her sister play matchmaker for her during the event.

Not only did her sister concoct that whole plan, though, but her brother claimed that was actually the true reason why her sister decided to pay for her hotel room and everything else in the first place.

So, she was stunned and even checked with another one of her sister’s friends to confirm what her brother had told her.

But her sister’s friend verified that it was all true– claiming that her sister was determined to find her the “perfect man” and had planned everything to make that happen.

And honestly, after learning that, she was so over it. In fact, she ended up phoning her sister on the spot and calling her bluff about the entire plan. Then, she even revealed that she would no longer be attending the wedding and, quite frankly, had no clue how she was ever going to trust her sister again.

If you could not have guessed it, though, her sister became extremely upset with her and even accused her of overreacting. Plus, her parents got involved in the situation and tried to make her seem like the bad guy, too.

They claimed that she could just ignore whatever her sister planned and attend the wedding to support her sibling. So, her sister will not stop harassing her about coming and claiming that she needed to be “saved from herself.”

Anyway, it has now been over a week since all of this drama unfolded, but she is still receiving a lot of pushback from her family. So, she has been left wondering if pulling her attendance from her sister’s wedding after finding out about the matchmaking plan was justified or if she really overreacted, as everyone is saying.

Should widows be expected to find new partners, or should they be able to remain single if that is what makes them most happy? Why do you think her sister refuses to accept the fact that she is perfectly content not dating anyone else? Can you believe that her sister put together this entire secret matchmaking plan to ambush her? If you found out your sibling was planning something like that, would you withdraw your attendance from their wedding also?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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