Every Time She Gets Sick, Her Boyfriend Claims To Be Even Sicker Than Her, So She’s Wondering How To Bring Up This Annoying Tendency Without Offending Him

aspenphoto - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
aspenphoto - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This young twenty-three-year-old woman has been with her boyfriend, who is twenty-two, for about two years now. For the most part, everything has been going great, too.

But there is just one thing about her boyfriend that really gets under her skin. Apparently, every single time that she falls ill or complains about not feeling well, her boyfriend will claim to be even sicker than she is.

For instance, back when she got tonsillitis, her boyfriend suddenly started to whine about “dying from tonsillitis,” too. Then, when she got a urinary tract infection (UTI), her boyfriend also claimed to be suffering from the infection.

The most comical part about this whole situation, though, is that as soon as she claims to start feeling better, her boyfriend will magically be all better, too!

And more recently, the same exact thing happened again during the holiday season. Starting on December 23, she became really sick and actually had to spend the entirety of Christmas laid up in bed.

So, she was understandably really upset about missing out on all of the fun and festivities. But now, she feels as though she cannot even open up to her partner about her feelings because of his copycat tendency.

“I can’t even complain about it to him because now, he is suddenly dying sick with the same thing. But, it is somehow ‘worse,'” she revealed.

Quite honestly, though, she just does not buy her boyfriend’s story. Apparently, the virus she caught had her bed-bound for four whole days.

At the same time, her boyfriend was actually able to go out drinking and then go to work the following morning. Yet, he is still insisting that he is somehow more ill than she is!

aspenphoto – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Now, she does want to make it clear that aside from this issue with her boyfriend, they are actually in the happiest relationship of her life. Plus, whenever she does get sick, it’s not like he runs for the hills or refuses to take care of her.

Instead, he just mimics whatever symptoms she is feeling within twenty-four hours of her symptom onset– and she claims that is because he is a hypochondriac. While she does understand her boyfriend’s fear of catching whatever illness she comes down with, though, the pattern is simply starting to drive her utterly insane.

“He goes above and beyond in every other aspect of our relationship. But I just want a simple way to explain to him that it is annoying me where I do not look unsympathetic,” she vented.

So now, she has been left wondering how to approach her boyfriend about this issue without just offending him or starting an argument.

Has your partner ever “copied” your symptoms and claimed they are sick whenever you get a cold or virus? Do you think her boyfriend is doing it to be malicious, or might he actually just be a hypochondriac? Is there a way she can address this situation without seeming like she is dismissing his feelings? How would you approach your partner about something like this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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