
How To Reclaim Valentine’s Day And Show Yourself Some Love

sergiophoto - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Let’s get one thing straight: there should be absolutely no shame in being single on Valentine’s Day. Yes, I know that Hallmark movies and the card aisle at CVS might beg to differ. But, if we are being honest, the holiday has kind of become one big ploy to boost consumer spending anyway.

So, if you have recently gotten over a breakup, are stuck in a vague situationship, or are simply single by choice, it is time to stop having anxiety about February 14. It will be just another Tuesday, and being single on that day is no different than being single during the other 364 days of the year.

Now, even with that being said, you are probably still wondering how to spend the impending holiday. And quite frankly, you have two options that are both very valid.

On the one hand, you can decide to ignore Valentine’s Day entirely and go about your normal routine.

Or, you can reclaim the holiday and use it as an excuse to celebrate other things in your life. For instance, yourself or some of the other meaningful friendships you have in life right now.

So, while curling up on your couch after work and watching the same old Netflix show might sound like a move, I would encourage you to go with the latter. I mean, why not take advantage of any day that you can have a great time while simultaneously rebelling against #CoupleCulture?

And if you are totally on board with the Valentine’s Day rebellion of sorts but are still seeking some inspiration for your own celebration, look no further. Below, we have some of the greatest ways to spend your solo V-Day.

Dinner For One

Okay, why did eating alone take on such a negative reputation? I would argue that taking yourself out to dinner is probably the most enjoyable way to dine. First of all, you never have to fight about where to make a reservation– you can just pick your favorite spot!

sergiophoto – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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