What Happens In Vegas Does Not Stay In Vegas: Americans Open Up About Their Wildest Sin City Secrets In New Survey

Syda Productions - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Syda Productions - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Everyone knows that what happens in Vegas is supposed to say in Vegas, right? Well, according to a new survey of over 1,000 U.S. adults conducted by PlayUSA, visitors of Sin City are finally starting to open up about their deepest and darkest secrets committed during Vegas trips. And the results are undeniably juicy.

First of all, 71% of Americans admitted to visiting Las Vegas at least once in their life.

Perhaps shockingly, though, the wild city is not a “one-and-done” excursion for most people. Instead, the average U.S. adult has actually been there about three times.

So, contrary to popular belief, 67% percent of survey respondents revealed that the top reason they frequent Vegas is actually for vacation.

Twenty-four percent of Vegas lovers also claimed to visit in search of famous shows and live entertainment options.

But they don’t call it Sin City for no reason. This means that girls’ and guys’ trips, birthdays, partying, and getting drunk were the next most popular attractions for Vegas visitors.

Last on the list of reasons to visit the city of vices is concerts, weddings, family reunions, and anniversary trips.

Now, we can also dive into the nitty-gritty details of Vegas partying. Primarily, 20% of survey respondents admitted to behaving worse in Sin City than they ever would at home.

Ten percent were even embarrassed by their own behavior while out on the town.

Syda Productions – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

And if you have ever wondered if the tales of Vegas escapades and fornication are truly accurate, this survey serves as total proof.

Forty-eight percent of U.S. adults claimed that their top Vegas secret has to do with intimacy in the bedroom.

Next, 25% even admitted that their Sin City secret had to do with cheating or attending a dance club.

Nineteen percent of people have also kept their gambling participation under lock and key; meanwhile, 13% have zipped their lips about drug use while staying in the city.

Nearly 10% of people also revealed that they have slept with a stranger while staying in Sin City– with 17% ending up regretting it afterward.

Perhaps shockingly, though, 86% of people who drank while on a Vegas trip actually did not have any regrets about their alcohol consumption– even though 11% of vacationers ultimately blacked out.

The majority of survey respondents, 58%, also stayed up until or past 3:00 a.m. while partying, and a whopping 81% percent confessed to gambling their vacay away.

The average amount Americans spend while gambling is about $487.

Surprisingly, though, 51% of Vegas visitors report actually winning money. In fact, the survey’s findings revealed that American adults win, on average, over $1,100– even though 25% of people end up gambling their winnings away.

Finally, if there was ever any question about the most popular casino games, the debate is now over.

Slot machines stole the top spot, followed by Blackjack and Poker. Coming in fourth place was Roulette, and in dead last was Craps.

One last fun Sin City fact pertains to, you guessed it, the famous Vegas weddings. Reportedly, a whopping 37% of visitors actually attend a wedding while in town– even though approximately 30% of Americans who have gotten married in Vegas are no longer together anymore.

So, if there is one conclusion we can all draw from this survey, it is that if you choose to visit Vegas, you will have an undeniably wild time. The only question that remains, though, is whether or not “wild” is actually a good or bad thing.

How many times have you been to Vegas? Do your dirty secrets line up with the rest of Americans’?

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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