
What Happens In Vegas Does Not Stay In Vegas: Americans Open Up About Their Wildest Sin City Secrets In New Survey

Syda Productions - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Everyone knows that what happens in Vegas is supposed to say in Vegas, right? Well, according to a new survey of over 1,000 U.S. adults conducted by PlayUSA, visitors of Sin City are finally starting to open up about their deepest and darkest secrets committed during Vegas trips. And the results are undeniably juicy.

First of all, 71% of Americans admitted to visiting Las Vegas at least once in their life.

Perhaps shockingly, though, the wild city is not a “one-and-done” excursion for most people. Instead, the average U.S. adult has actually been there about three times.

So, contrary to popular belief, 67% percent of survey respondents revealed that the top reason they frequent Vegas is actually for vacation.

Twenty-four percent of Vegas lovers also claimed to visit in search of famous shows and live entertainment options.

But they don’t call it Sin City for no reason. This means that girls’ and guys’ trips, birthdays, partying, and getting drunk were the next most popular attractions for Vegas visitors.

Last on the list of reasons to visit the city of vices is concerts, weddings, family reunions, and anniversary trips.

Now, we can also dive into the nitty-gritty details of Vegas partying. Primarily, 20% of survey respondents admitted to behaving worse in Sin City than they ever would at home.

Ten percent were even embarrassed by their own behavior while out on the town.

Syda Productions – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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