Where She Comes From, Men Are Always Expected To Pay When Taking A Girl Out On A Date, And Now She’s Sparking A Conversation About Who Really Should Pay

Who pays on the first date? This is probably the age-old dating question that crosses everyone’s mind at some point.
Maybe you just decided to split it down the middle because you can’t decide on the right approach to the situation.
But for certain cultures, this aspect is a built-in understanding between couples. TikToker @kokobeaute explains this about her own culture, confused as to why other cultures don’t do the same thing.
Every time that she goes on a first date, she would never expect that she’d have to pay for herself. It’s the complete responsibility of her date.
“Where I come from, and that is Europe, Croatia, men pay for the first, second, third, or whatever–like all the dates,” she said. “I’m not going to change my mind about this.”
To anyone who grew up in America and was immersed in modern American culture from a young age, not having to pay on your first date has become a generous courtesy as of late.
Most Americans now go in with the attitude that splitting the bill is the best “polite” approach between the two of you.
Her point of view may seem odd or grandiose, even. Always paying for the woman was a popular concept in America in the early to mid-twentieth century, but as time has gone on, it’s become less common.
But it’s important to remember she doesn’t view herself as superior to others and, therefore, should never pay.

silverkblack – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
It’s that she was raised with the mindset that it’s an absolutely normal and expected custom for every man to pay completely on the first few dates.
“That’s how I was brought up,” she said. “I’m just curious.”
This is such a big contender for her in her dating life that it’s one of her absolutes when considering a potential partner. Someone who won’t pay for her on the first dates– absolutely not.
“I mean, I could never be with a guy who makes me pay for my meal on the first date,” she explained.
Given that she was genuinely confused about this controversial topic, she asked her viewers their thoughts. The results were certainly mixed.
For many women, it’s a question of morality.
“A real man NEVER let a woman pay when it comes to dating or anything,” one commenter wrote.
Another viewer agreed to say, “I’m Mexican, and I think the man should pay; if he doesn’t, it tells me a lot about his character.”
But there are those who feel awkward about men paying entirely for them.
“I believe in equality and not in “how I was brought up.” The person who asked to go on the date pays,” a viewer remarked.
Some feel as though it becomes a kind of bargain if he pays for the entire bill and you intend on seeing him again for another date.
“I’m from Canada, maybe I was raised differently, but I absolutely can’t accept that a man pays for me! I’d feel like I owe him something”
Whatever your rules are, stick to them. Everyone has different opinions on this question, and it’s one that will almost certainly never have a definite answer.
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