He Made A TikTok Video Showing Just How Insanely Expensive Fruits In Japan Are, And Here’s Why That Is

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fotomaximum - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

Can you imagine walking into your local grocery store, getting to the fruit section, and spotting a watermelon priced at $130?

This is the case in a Japanese grocery store that travel TikTok creator Steven (@allstarsteven) spotted during his adventures.

Steven makes tons of TikTok videos about life in Japan for his followers. His bio encourages people to follow him for “anything Japanese.”

His videos range from apartment tours to walking around Japanese convenience stores and pointing out some of the cultural differences.

In one of his more viral videos, he walks around a grocery store to look at the sky-high prices on some of the fruits that we can buy for a very cheap price in the United States.

For example, a pack of strawberries was equal to $12. Two peaches were $16. One pineapple went up to $20!

So why is fruit so expensive in Japan?

According to an article by TimeOut Tokyo, fruit is not really intended for casual snacking in Japan like it is in the United States.

“In many parts of the world, fruit is eaten as an everyday snack,” writes Jessica Thompson for TimeOut.

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“But for Japan, it is regarded as a precious gift given to someone you want to impress, show your gratitude to, or wish well.”

The article also states that it is much harder to grow fruit in Japan. Because the country’s landmass is 80% mountains, there isn’t a ton of room for fruit crops, making the process of growing and selling fruit very labor-intensive.

Fruit that is given as a gift is also held to an extremely high standard, leading to an extremely high price.

“This regal status means the fruit must be a premium product worthy of gifting,” writes Emma Thompson. “In other words, they should be perfect and blemish-free.”

This would explain why some of the fruit shown in Steven’s video looks absolutely stunning. The melons look like they’ve been painted, the strawberries are large and bright red, and the pineapples are a lovely yellow with perfect leaves.

According to the TimeOut article, there is cheaper and more accessible fruit available in Japan. If you find yourself there, craving some fruit on a budget, be sure to seek out some of Japan’s most delicious fruits from local vendors when they’re in season. This includes figs, Asian pears, and mandarins.

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