
New Study Confirms Sleep Is Crucial For Pre-Teen Mental Health And Offers Advice For Parents And Caretakers

Parents and caregivers can model good sleep habits for their children, too– since research has shown that teens are more likely to achieve a good night’s sleep if their parents also sleep well.

Plus, there are other great ways for caretakers to support young adolescents’ sleep patterns.

Primarily, you can encourage young teens to participate in regular physical activity as well as spend time outside– since daylight exposure can help regulate circadian rhythms.

Additionally, it can be helpful to talk to your teen about avoiding caffeine during the afternoon and evening– since coffee and other caffeinated beverages can make it difficult to both fall asleep and wake up in the morning.

Wind-down activities are also great additions to bedtime routines. Encourage your child to shut down their devices at least one hour before sleep to limit screen time, and instead suggest alternatives– such as reading, stretching, or listening to calming music.

“Saying ‘no’ to that extra 15 minutes on their phones or ‘just five more minutes’ of TV is worth doing in order to ensure your young people get a good night’s sleep,” Cooper said.

Finally, helping your teen get on a consistent sleep schedule– where they fall asleep and wake up at the same time every single day– can make a large difference.

And if sleep problems are persistent, you can always reach out to a medical professional for alternative advice and recommendations.

To read the study’s complete findings, visit the link here.

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