
Her Husband Dumped Her, But Now He’s Paying Her $400 A Month Not To Divorce Him, And She’s Using The Extra Money To Fund A Vacation

Alena Ozerova - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman and her husband were married for 25 years before he told her that he wanted to separate.

She begged him to change his mind and reconsider, but he didn’t, and she was absolutely heartbroken. Soon after, she found a way to enact petty revenge on him.

He moved out of the house after they ended up filing for a legal separation. Since he is self-employed, she was the one that held the health insurance for the entire family through her work.

Soon after he moved out, she got a new job that offered her an amazing deal on insurance, covering all health and dental for the entire family with a $100 deductible.

Since they aren’t divorced, he is still qualified to be on this new insurance of hers. However, he wasn’t going to make it that easy for him!

“But I am petty…so I charge him $400 a month for something that costs me $0,” she explained.

She decided to charge him $400 per month to allow him to be on her insurance, even though it doesn’t cost her a penny.

He could go look for insurance on his own, but it would be a lot more expensive for the kind of coverage he is getting through hers.

“I make sure he knows it costs me nothing, nada, zip to have him on my insurance and that his $400/month payment is funding my upcoming trip to Spain,” she said.

Alena Ozerova – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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