
He And His Wife Got Into A Fight Over Milkshakes

Brent Hofacker - - illustrative purposes only

This man and his wife had planned to go out to dinner with their family and took two separate cars. One of the cars had his family of five, plus one of his nephews, while the other car had two sisters, an uncle, and a niece of his.

His car ended up getting to the restaurant first, and after they realized that the wait would be over two hours, they called the sisters right away. Quickly, it was agreed by everyone to go back to the rental house for dinner.

The sisters then went to the grocery store to pick up ingredients to make sandwiches with mozzarella, basil, and tomato.

Since he knew that his kids wouldn’t want to eat that, he decided to go through the drive-thru at a fast food place.

“The wife calls her sisters to make sure they don’t get offended we’re going through McDonald’s for the kids and also to ask if we can order the nephew a Big Mac like he wants,” he explained.

However, he asked his wife not to offer to buy her sisters’ dinner because he didn’t want to buy everyone dinner that night.

He explained that he would buy everyone in his car dinner but that if someone from the other car wanted something from McDonald’s, they could go get it themselves.

“Also, I know they won’t pay us for whatever they want because ‘family,’ and we’re sharing. I have no problem with sharing, either. I’ve bought the most groceries for everyone, but this instance, they’re in the car right behind us so they can get their own food,” he said.

But still, his wife ended up asking her sisters if they wanted anything from McDonald’s. At first, he was worried that everyone was going to order combo meals, but they ended up just requesting two milkshakes.

Brent Hofacker – – illustrative purposes only

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