
Her Boyfriend Invited Her To A Friend’s Birthday Party, But Then He Asked Her To Leave By 8 So He Could Be At The Party Alone, Even Though All His Other Friends Brought Their Wives And Girlfriends

iuricazac - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 30-year-old girl has a boyfriend a year younger than her, and they have been dating for close to 2 years.

They have discussed getting married to one another and spending the remainder of their lives by each other’s sides.

One thing that does strike her as strange about her boyfriend, though, is that he never asks her to hang out with him and his friends.

Her boyfriend will always make up a bunch of excuses for why he doesn’t want her to come to spend time with him and his friends, like he will say that he only wants it to be him and the guys.

Or, he will just tell her that he does not want her to hang around when everything is “crazy.”

Finally, her boyfriend did ask her to attend a birthday party for one of his friends recently, but he only invited her after he had been at the party for several hours.

He texted her that she was allowed to come to the party too that night if she felt like it. She replied back, questioning him about if he really did want her to be there since he is forever saying he only wants hanging out time to be for him and the boys.

Her boyfriend texted back that she could stop by for a bit but that he wanted her to be out of there by 8 p.m. since things were going to “get rachet” that night.

“I thought about it and was like, I’d only be there for 2 hours is it worth it?” she wondered. “But I decided to go because I’ve been trying to get him to invite me out, and he finally did, so I should go.”

iuricazac – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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