
He And His Wife Had To Refuse To Legally Adopt Their Niece, Who They’ve Been Taking Care Of For The Past 16 Years, Since They Can’t Afford To Do This

Natalia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

I’ve always admired people who have taken in a relative’s child after an emergency or some other hardship. 

One man and his wife recently had to refuse to legally adopt their niece, who they’ve been taking care of for the past 16 years. 

He’s 46 and married to his 44-year-old wife. Tragically, his wife had a twin sister who passed away after giving birth to her daughter, Sarah.

His brother-in-law Mike immediately stepped up and took great care of Sarah for the first three years of her life. Other members of his wife’s family, like her parents, helped Mike with Sarah too.

“I helped out occasionally but not as much as my wife because I didn’t want to overstep,” he said.

“When Sarah was one, my wife got pregnant, and we started focusing on our baby. Everything went smoothly for Mike until Tracey came into the picture.”

Tracey is Mike’s new wife. At first, she was an okay stepmother to Sarah, but she eventually gave Mike an ultimatum early on.

It was either her or the baby. Then, Mike drove Sarah to her grandparent’s house, dropped her off, and never went back for her.

Not long after Mike abandoned Sarah, he and his wife decided to take her into their care and give their son an older sister.

Natalia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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