
He Was Arguably America’s Most Popular Presidential Pet, And He Lived In The White House Over 80 Years Ago

ID 37434927 - © Cvandyke - - illustrative purposes only

Over the years, we’ve seen some beloved pets live in the White House. There was a lot of excitement when the Obamas adopted their Portuguese Water Dog, Bo, and currently, Major, President Biden’s German Shepherd, resides in the White House.

One of the country’s most beloved presidential pets lived in the White House over 80 years ago. It was Fala, Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s faithful Scottish Terrier.

Fala was a national sensation, often seen right by Franklin’s side. He was named after one of the president’s ancestors and became very popular after being featured in an MGM documentary film about daily life in the White House.

Not only would Fala hang out with his owner in Washington, D.C., but they were often on the road together.

They’d take planes and ships together, and Fala would be by Franklin’s side as he attended meetings and engagements and made speeches.

In fact, one of Franklin’s most famous speeches was his “Fala Speech,” which he gave to the International Teamsters Union on September 23, 1944. There, Franklin spoke about how attacks were being made against him, his wife, his sons, and even his dog, Fala, by Republican leaders.

Then he said, “Well, of course, I don’t resent attacks, and my family don’t resent attacks, but Fala does resent them.”

This line sent the union into thunderous laughter and applause, making it an iconic moment in his presidency.

When President Roosevelt sadly died in 1945, his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt, took Fala back with her to their home in Hyde Park, New York, so he could happily live out the rest of his days until his passing in 1952.

ID 37434927 – © Cvandyke – – illustrative purposes only

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