
His Girlfriend Wants To Move In With Him But Isn’t Comfortable With His Young Adult Children Visiting Him Part-Time

pololia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 54-year-old man was previously married for 25 years and had two children with his ex-wife. His kids are now young adults, and they are both partly disabled.

“They walk and talk and bathroom themselves and otherwise lead independent lives,” he explained.

“But they have some difficulties with activities of daily living independently and will be visiting and staying with me in my new townhome up to one-third of the time.”

He also started dating a 52-year-old woman about four months ago, and their relationship seemed to be progressing great.

His girlfriend was never married and never had any kids– only pets.

While his girlfriend was supposed to finally meet his kids within the next couple of weeks, though, she is now getting cold feet– because, apparently, she has never lived with anyone else.

Now, to be clear, they still live separately. And he actually did not plan to live together for a little while.

However, his girlfriend is already thinking about moving in with him somewhat soon. She reportedly has a strange leasing situation in which she could be given two months’ notice to vacate the premises at any time.

If that were to happen, his girlfriend wouldn’t want to live by herself for a few more years while his children grow a bit older and develop a plan to live primarily independently, either.

pololia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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