
She Called Her Sister Out For Being A Hypocritical Mistress After She Got Shamed For Dating A Guy Who Had A Kid

zigres - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 22-year-old woman recently got back into the dating pool for the first time in a while after ending her long-term relationship.

She has been seeing a new guy for a few months now, and he invited her to attend his mom’s destination wedding in Mexico at the end of August. She was happy to go, too, and told the guy yes.

Yet, her 27-year-old sister, who she has not been close with over the past few years, decided to chime in with an opinion on her budding relationship.

It all began after her sister asked her to babysit in August, but it just so happened to be the same dates that she would be in Mexico.

So, she was forced to tell her sister no, and just a few days later, her sister went over to her house and claimed she shouldn’t see the guy anymore.

She was obviously confused and asked her sister why. Then, her sister admitted to looking the guy up and learning that he had a child with his ex-girlfriend.

That’s why her sister said that going away for two weeks for a wedding made him look like a bad father and that she shouldn’t want to “be with a deadbeat.”

“I was shocked and told my sister that he has a good co-parenting relationship and sees his son regularly,” she recalled.

“And it doesn’t make him a bad dad to leave town for a wedding. Plus, he’s not even my boyfriend yet!”

zigres – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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