
She Found Vintage Love Letters Written By The Same Woman After Making Two Trips To A Flea Market, And She Was Able To Find This Woman’s Granddaughter To Return The Letters To Her Family

Sunnydays - - illustrative purposes only

Learning about one’s family history is something that many people are interested in, but sometimes it can be easier said than done.

If your ancestors traveled around a lot, special artifacts and photos may have been lost in the moves or given away to save space. You may wonder what items that once belonged to your family are still out there.

TikTok user Chelsey Brown (@chelseyibrown) shares how she finds family heirlooms at flea markets and thrift stores and returns them to their rightful owners or descendants.

In her video, Chelsey shares a sweet Valentine’s Day card she found at a flea market. A woman addressed the card to her husband in 1938, and it seemed like the couple had been apart for quite some time.

Sweet drawings of hearts and rhymes filled the card, and Chelsey could tell that these two really loved each other.

Chelsey used the name and address that were written on the card to find out who the family was and was so excited to find the granddaughter of this couple.

Chelsey found out from her that when this love letter was sent, her grandfather was fighting in WWII and was stationed away in the Navy. Even through the hard times and the separation, the couple was strong and were married for over 60 years!

“It just goes to show how true love surpasses all,” she told Chelsey.

Chelsey went back to the flea market and was thrilled to discover another Valentine’s card from the same couple, this time from 1941.

Sunnydays – – illustrative purposes only

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