
She Told Her Professors That She Has To Drop Out Of Her Master’s Program Because She Can’t Live Off The $350 A Week Stipend, And One Of Her Professors Suggested She Just Try To Budget - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Budgeting can be difficult as a college or grad student, especially if you are doing it all on your own. Low wages and high prices are a tricky combination for students across the country.

TikTok creator @indiesleaz shares her professors’ suggestions after she tells them that she has to drop out of her master’s program because of the low stipend she is receiving.

She admits that she receives around $350 per week and has come to the conclusion that she just can’t make this amount work for her anymore.

Between paying rent, buying food, gas, textbooks, and other essentials, money can disappear right before your eyes.

Not to mention the increased rates for these items in most places around the country.

But when she told her professors that she needed to quit the master’s programs she was in because she could not afford to live on $350 per week any longer, they responded in ways that baffled her and her viewers.

“Have you tried budgeting?” one professor asked.

“Oh, your parents aren’t paying for it?” another professor questions her.

One professor even accused her of not being mature enough for grad school, while another suggested that she simply purchases a car and move to the suburbs to save on rent. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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