Her Mom Lost Her License, And She’s Refusing To Buy Groceries Unless Her Mom Initials A Written Shopping List Since She Always Faces Backlash For Getting The Wrong Items

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - stock.adobe.com-  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 16-year-old woman’s mother, who is 44, lost her license after getting a DUI. So, ever since then, she’s been expected to be her mom’s designated shopper or driver. Apparently, her dad is on the road a lot, which is why he cannot do it.

Anyway, she will usually drive her mom to the grocery store. Or, her mom will just tell her what groceries to pick up.

However, her mom sometimes forgets to tell her to buy certain items. Other times, the grocery store will just be out of certain stuff.

“So I try to use my initiative to make her happy. It has rarely turned out well,” she said.

If the store is out of ground turkey, for instance, she will just grab some ground chicken instead. But, her mom has actually called her an “idiot” before for thinking that would work and claimed the substitute was “unacceptable.”

Another time, she showed up at home without any lemons, but her mom never asked for any lemons.

Regardless, her mom was shocked when she didn’t return home with any and claimed they needed to make lemonade since guests were coming over. Then, her mom even asked her, “Why couldn’t you just think?”

She got sick and tired of this, too, which is why, for the past month, she decided she would only drive her mom to the grocery store.

“And I will not go by myself without a list that she has initialed next to every item and written acceptable substitutions,” she explained.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Well, her mom claimed to not have time “for her nonsense” and has refused to oblige with her list rule. So, she’s just refused to do any shopping for her mom.

Her dad has since told her that not being able to drive is making her mom go crazy. That’s why he believes that she should just cut her mom some slack and do the grocery shopping.

But, she refused to budge and pointed out how it would take her mom less than one minute to read over the list and approve all of the items.

“I absolutely will not give in on this,” she added.

“If my mom can’t be bothered to verify what she wants, then I sure as [heck] will not take responsibility.”

Still, with her mom angry at her, she’s been left wondering whether refusing to buy groceries unless she has a list from her mom really does make her a jerk.

Is it unreasonable for her to want a list of groceries from her mom to protect herself from any backlash? Why do you think her mom is so opposed to the idea if it would only take a minute? How would you handle this situation? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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