
She’s Challenging You To Describe Yourself Using Non-Observable Descriptions, And It Will Force You To Think More Deeply About Who You Truly Are

Sunshine - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Whenever you meet someone new, the first order of business is to introduce yourself to the new person. And usually, that happens by stating your name, occupation, and age. However, those traits don’t really encompass everything about who you are. They barely scratch the surface.

So many people tend to define their own worth by their job titles or accomplishments because it’s what we were taught to do by society.

Sam (@simplifying.sam) is a life and manifestation coach, and she’s challenging TikTok users to describe themselves using non-observable descriptions and encouraging them to do some introspection.

“I have a theory that you are suffering because you do not know yourself, and I’m going to prove it to you. I submit you to a challenge to introduce yourself to me or some imaginary person without using your name, your age, your occupation, your nationality, your ethnicity, or your location,” said Sam.

Not being able to use these specific details to describe yourself will force you to think more deeply about who you truly are.

Sam mentions that when you get to know someone on a deeper level, their career, name, and age becomes irrelevant. Instead, you come to know that person by their values and what they love.

These innate qualities stay stable no matter how old they are, what their job is, or how much money is in their bank account. If your best friend makes less money this year than they did last year, that doesn’t change the way you feel about them.

The same philosophy can be applied to ourselves. Each of us has unique characteristics that make us who we are. However, when it comes to ourselves, we always judge based on external factors and conditions.

“But if you make less money one year or you gain more weight one year, all of a sudden, your thoughts about yourself are like spiraling downwards,” Sam pointed out.

Sunshine – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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