
The Brightly Colored Blooms On Bee Balm Resemble Fireworks, And Pollinators Aren’t The Only Ones Who Will Appreciate This Addition To Your Garden

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Whether you call it bee balm, bergamot, horsemint, or monarda, this plant will bring in the bees.

With brightly colored scarlet and lavender blossoms that resemble exploding fireworks, pollinators aren’t the only ones who will be drawn to the display.

Bee balm makes for an attractive garden setting that will appeal to neighbors and passersby.

The many medicinal and culinary uses of the plant are also a major bonus. Native Americans added parts of the plant into teas to cure colds and touches of flu. They also used bee balm as a way to reduce swelling and treat wounds.

Furthermore, bee balm has mint-scented leaves, and they are used in a variety of sauces. The leaves are edible whether consumed raw or cooked.

Ever since the year 1760, bee balm was regarded as a popular houseplant, and back then, an abundance of it was found in the markets. It also served as a substitute for English tea after the Boston Tea Party in 1773.

Are you now interested in growing bee balm in your own garden? Here’s how! Bee balm should be planted in the spring or fall in a spot with good airflow and plenty of sunlight. They need to get at least six hours of full sun per day.

One of the main issues that come with growing bee balm is a fungal disease called powdery mildew. It causes the foliage to become spotted with white blotches. Powdery mildew thrives in warm, humid conditions.

To reduce powdery mildew, consider planting bee balm in the back of your garden to conceal the foliage while still allowing the flowers to radiate their beauty.

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