
Who Really Needs To Be In Attendance At Your Wedding Ceremony Rehearsal?

Vladimir - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Everybody knows that practice makes perfect! Although wedding ceremony rehearsals often just seem like a quick formality to get done before the rehearsal dinner fun begins, this opportunity to run through your wedding ceremony should be taken seriously.

It’s a great way for everyone involved to ask any clarifying questions before the big day happens. Another thing to consider is who actually needs to be there on the evening of the rehearsal.

A wedding ceremony rehearsal is all about everyone learning and practicing when and where they are supposed to walk, stand, and go over any things they might say.

The core group of people who need to be at the rehearsal is the two people getting married, obviously, as well as anybody who is in the bridal party. This includes any bridesmaids, groomsmen, and the flower girl and ring bearer, if possible.

Additionally, the couples’ parents should attend, and if you can, see if the DJ or musicians you hired can come as well. If music is going to be a big part of your ceremony, it’s a good idea to have those people there to make it happen, even for the rehearsal.

Most brides tend to have their father or another important man in their life to walk them down the aisle, so make sure he attends the rehearsal as well so that he can practice his important role.

Any friend or family member who will be doing a reading should have a chance to run through it at the rehearsal as well. Officiants are undoubtedly a huge part of the ceremony as well and will assist you in doing an informal run-through of everything, including the processional and recessional.

Other guests that you invite after these VIPs are entirely up to you! If there are a couple more family members that you feel should attend the rehearsal dinner, then the choice is yours.

Just avoid making the group too large so that you and the bridal party can run through everything in a clear and smooth fashion.

Vladimir – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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