There’s Actually A Word To Describe People Who Are Attracted To Those Who Have Committed Heinous Crimes, And It’s Also Sometimes Known As The Bonnie And Clyde Syndrome

ID 107983035 - © Fernando Gregory - -  illustrative purposes only
ID 107983035 - © Fernando Gregory - - illustrative purposes only

We already know that America has a strange fascination with serial killers. True crime podcasts, documentaries, and television shows are extremely popular among the masses, and the genre is continuing to grow.

According to YouGovAmerica, half of Americans enjoy consuming true crime content, with women being more likely to enjoy it than men. And they are twice as likely to state that it’s their favorite genre.

Weirdly enough, some women’s interest in true crime goes further than just morbid curiosity. They actually experience an infatuation with violent, dangerous, and probably completely evil men.

Believe it or not, there’s a word to describe people who are attracted to those who have committed heinous crimes: hybristophilia. It is also sometimes known as the Bonnie and Clyde syndrome.

Hybristophilia is a form of paraphilia in which a person, usually a woman, is attracted to someone who has committed a crime or outrage. And the more horrifying the crime is, the higher the level of attraction. It takes liking bad boys to a whole new level.

Since access to notorious criminals is pretty limited, women often contact male prisoners through love letters.

One forensics psychology professor named Louis Schlesinger even disclosed that you can find many female employees, such as guards, lawyers, and therapists, getting involved with inmates. It has happened in almost every penitentiary across the country.

There are actually two types of hybristophilia: passive and aggressive. Those with passive hybristophilia won’t participate in his crimes and believe their love and attention can “fix” him.

They tend to excuse his behavior and are confident he will never harm them because they are special.

ID 107983035 – © Fernando Gregory – – illustrative purposes only

Aggressive hybristophilia means that they actively participate in their lover’s crimes, whether it’s hiding bodies, destroying evidence, or being behind the wheel of the getaway car.

The lack of studies on hybristophilia makes it challenging to determine just how common it really is. But what we know for sure is that these cases almost always involve women being attracted to male criminals and not the other way around.

What causes hybristophilia? The specific causes are also unclear, but a few of the theories include having a history of abuse, social stereotypes, and a desire for attention with an element of narcissism.

Women who suffered from abuse during childhood have a tendency to select partners with aggressive and violent behavior, thus continuing the cycle of abuse.

Another reason why women might go for serial killers and similar types is that these men who commit brutal crimes are strong, macho, and masculine. They represent what society thinks a man should be–someone who is dominant and wears the pants in the relationship.

And the third reason is that some women just want to be noticed. They want to feel like they’re the exception. If her criminal lover escaped, she would be the only one safe from danger.

There’s a fine line between being attracted to an actor portraying a serial killer on TV and actually lusting after a real-life delinquent, so if you’re thinking you have hybristophilia, don’t worry; you’re probably safe.

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Emily  Chan is a writer who covers lifestyle and news content. She graduated from Michigan State University with a ... More about Emily Chan

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