Cacti Are The Perfect Houseplants If You’re Always On The Go, But They Do Need To Be Repotted Every So Often, And Here’s How You Can Do This

ID 182261593 - © Brizmaker - -  illustrative purposes only
ID 182261593 - © Brizmaker - - illustrative purposes only

Cacti are very resilient and low-maintenance, making them wonderful houseplants for people who are always on the go. It’s effortless to decorate your home with them, and they provide the feel of the desert right in your home.

But as undemanding as cacti are, they still require a little extra care once in a while. Although it is rare, a cactus plant may need to be transplanted into a new pot after it has grown too large for its space.

Cacti grow very slowly, so the typical cactus plant only needs to be repotted every three to four years.

If you’ve never repotted a cactus before, you might feel discouraged from doing so because of the plant’s sharp spines. After all, they look like they could create some serious damage.

But there are ways to accomplish it safely and avoid getting poked. Here’s how to repot a cactus without hurting yourself or the plant.

No matter how big your cactus is, you should always wear gloves when handling it. Wear a pair made of thick, protective material, such as canvas or leather so that the needles won’t pierce the fabric.

Once your gloves are on, it’s time to remove the cactus from its old pot. First, loosen the soil around the edge of the pot with a small trowel or dull knife.

Then, you’ll need to lift the cactus out of the pot. You can wrap several layers of newspaper or a towel around it to make it easier to grab.

Alternatively, tongs will also work, but just make sure the utensil is made of silicone rather than metal to avoid causing any harm to the plant.

ID 182261593 – © Brizmaker – – illustrative purposes only

Gently shake away the old soil still clinging to the root ball. Next, check for any pests or diseases that may have been imposed on the roots and cut off any damaged ones.

Now, choose a new pot for your plant that is two inches larger than the old one. The most essential feature to look for in a pot is that it has draining holes at the bottom.

If possible, select an unglazed clay or terracotta container. Pots made out of these materials will help regulate the moisture and air circulation in the soil.

Once you have picked a suitable pot, fill the container partway with a potting mix geared toward cacti. Then, pick up the cactus and hold it in place while filling the rest of the pot with soil.

Don’t water your cactus upon repotting it. It needs ample time to become accustomed to its new conditions and recover from the move. You can proceed with your regular watering schedule after about a week.

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Emily  Chan is a writer who covers lifestyle and news content. She graduated from Michigan State University with a ... More about Emily Chan

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