
Her Husband Showed Up To Their Professional Family Photo Shoot Wearing A Band T-Shirt, And She’s Furious Since She Thinks He Intentionally Tried To Sabotage The Moment

NDABCREATIVITY - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This woman and her husband have two children, and she adores a good family photo. Many of the photos that she does have of their family are of her children in motion, which means she’s pretty much never included in them.

Her husband isn’t a photo taker, so truly, no photos of their family exist with her in them at all.

So, she decided to book a professional family photo shoot so she could finally change that and have a photo of her kids, herself, and her husband.

She really was looking forward to having some lovely photos of all of them for once.

“My husband has been a pain the whole time, not understanding why I would like a family photo,” she explained.

“All he had to do was show up wearing some decent clothes…after I got the kids from school, and he shows up in a band t-shirt.”

She was absolutely furious when she saw what her husband was wearing, but the show had to go on, and so they took the photos with him in the outfit she didn’t approve of.

After the photo shoot was finished and the kids were all tucked into bed for the evening, she and her husband got into a blowout fight.

Her husband didn’t understand why she couldn’t be excited that he bothered showing up to the photo shoot at all.

NDABCREATIVITY – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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