
Revenge Bedtime Procrastination Is A Vicious Cycle of Sacrificing Sleep To Enjoy Some “Me” Time, And It May Be A Sign of Burnout

ViDi Studio - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s been a long day, and you’re exhausted from work. After cooking and eating dinner, washing the dishes, showering, and doing your skincare routine, it’s already time for bed.

You know you should get some sleep, but you just can’t stop scrolling on your phone even though you have to be up early the next morning.

This phenomenon is called revenge bedtime procrastination. It’s a vicious cycle of sacrificing sleep to enjoy some “me” time, and it’s driven by a busy, packed schedule.

People will put off going to bed to engage in activities they didn’t get to do during the day, such as playing video games, binge-watching episodes of a favorite show, or being on social media.

If this sounds like you, just know you’re not alone! Studies have shown that up to 53.1 percent of young adults take part in bedtime procrastination.

Sleep procrastination provides a false sense of control over your life. During the day, you don’t really get to choose what you want to do. By staying up late, you’re essentially seeking revenge on the daytime hours and taking back the time to finally cater to yourself.

While it may feel rewarding and empowering at the moment, it’s taking a toll on your sleep, which will negatively affect your waking hours, too.

Inadequate sleep can lead to fatigue, brain fog, changes in mood, and increased anxiety. A chronic lack of sleep can worsen health issues like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart problems.

When procrastinating sleep becomes a habit, you push back your bedtime later and later, causing a disruption in your circadian rhythm. Over time, waking up for work becomes more difficult.

ViDi Studio – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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