
He Gave A Single Mom Working As A Crossing Guard In Detroit $50,000 As A Surprise

Molly - illustrative purposes only

One special mom got the gift of a lifetime this past Mother’s Day and has a heartwarming story.

Zachery Dereniowski (@mdmotivator), a TikTok content creator best known for his charitable acts of kindness, changed the life of a single mom who’s been doing her best to inspire her kids to succeed.

On Mother’s Day, Zachery approached an on-duty traffic controller and crossing guard in Detroit, Michigan, named Edge, and asked her if she’d like to buy a “mystery jersey” from him for one dollar.

Edge kindly said she’d love to, but she was on duty, so they talked in the intersection while she made sure pedestrians could cross safely and wished them a happy Mother’s Day.

Zachery found out that Edge is a single mom of two sons who has been working very hard, especially after recently losing her husband. However, she loves her job and loves serving the people of Detroit.

After speaking with Edge for a while, he asked her if she’d like to go to a Detroit Tigers baseball game with him, but she said she’d be working all night.

Thankfully, her lieutenant was standing nearby and allowed her to take off the rest of her shift so she could join Zachery at the game.

Edge was thrilled to be able to attend the game but was curious if the night off would affect her paycheck.

That’s when Zachery surprised her with $500 in cash. Edge became super emotional and revealed that she recently had to ask her son for money because she was struggling financially, which she hated having to do.

Molly – illustrative purposes only

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