
A Group Of “iPad Kids” Ruined Her Date Night With Her Husband, So Now She’s Telling Parents Not To Bring Their Disruptive Children To Nice Restaurants

Viktoriia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

There’s a big debate over whether or not kids should be eating at restaurants, particularly nice restaurants where the entrees are $30 and up.

While customers should be able to bring whoever they want to a restaurant, young kids come with a unique set of challenges. They can have tantrums at the drop of a hat, and unfortunately, you may get stuck sitting next to “iPad kids,” who have shows or games blasting at full volume on their tablets at the table.

One TikTok creator recently posted a video about how a table of loud children ruined her and her husband’s date night at the end of the year.

“We came to a really nice restaurant in Tulsa,” says Kelsey Davis (@kd81322), an Oklahoma-based content creator and mother of five.

“Do you hear that?”

In Kelsey’s video, you can hear a bunch of children and their devices making noise at a table right near her and her husband. Kelsey goes on to explain that the children’s mother was having a hard time getting them to settle down and that their tablet volume was turned up so loud she couldn’t hear the music the restaurant was playing.

Kelsey was very much looking forward to this date night with her husband, and they hired a babysitter for their kids beforehand. However, they still got a strong, unwanted dose of kid madness at the nice restaurant they chose.

“Don’t take your [misbehaving] kids to nice restaurants because there [are] some married couples who pay to get rid of their kids for the evening to have a nice dinner,” says Kelsey.

“And I had to watch Toy Story on a tablet because these parents couldn’t pay attention to their kids.”

Viktoriia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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