
Her Brother’s Widow Tried To Make Her Buy Back An Heirloom Family Necklace For $1,000 Since She’s In Debt

steevy84 - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman sadly lost her brother Jason three years ago, and his widow, Laurie, declined to give her back an heirloom family necklace that used to belong to her great-grandma.

While the necklace wasn’t worth much and couldn’t be considered expensive in the least, it had a ton of sentimental value to her.

So, she really wanted the necklace to remain in her family, and since Jason and Laurie didn’t have kids of their own, the necklace clearly couldn’t be passed down to any descendants.

Anyway, Laurie told her she was not going to be getting the necklace back after Jason passed. But then, a couple of weeks back, Laurie sent her a message through social media requesting to meet with her.

“She comes over to my house and explains that she’s had a very hard time since Jason’s death and now is in a significant amount of debt (which they were even when he was alive),” she explained.

“She then says she would be willing to sell my great grandmother’s necklace to me…for a thousand dollars.”

“The necklace, if an appraiser ever had a look, would say it’s worth about $150. I told Laurie she was out of her mind to come and attempt to extort money out of me with a piece of my family history (among other things that were not as child-friendly).”

Finally, Laurie left her house, and now her mom is furious with her for not giving Laurie $1,000 for the necklace.

Her mom believes she should have attempted to negotiate Laurie down on the price at least, but she didn’t try that.

steevy84 – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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