
Here’s Exactly How To Make Your Bath Towels Soft Again And Get Them Back Into Cuddle-Worthy Condition

The Dynamic Duo: Baking Soda And Vinegar To The Rescue

Now, let’s talk solutions. To combat the buildup that’s turning your towels into a stiff mess, all you have to do is turn to your kitchen pantry. Baking soda and vinegar, when used correctly, can actually work wonders.

Start by washing your towels with a mixture of half a cup of baking soda with your regular amount of detergent. This will help break down the buildup and fluff up the fibers.

Then, in the rinse cycle, add a cup of white vinegar. Don’t worry, your towels won’t smell like a salad dressing afterward.

Vinegar is just a natural fabric softener that removes residue and restores softness, all without leaving a lingering scent.

Drying Tips: Low Heat, High Fluff

Drying your towels is also just as important as washing them. To keep them soft and fluffy, avoid the high heat setting on your dryer.

Instead, opt for a lower heat setting or a gentle tumble dry. High heat can damage fibers and make towels feel harsh.

If you have the luxury of outdoor space, you may also want to consider line drying your towels– the natural way to achieve softness. Just make sure to give them a good shake before and after hanging to fluff up the fibers.

Additional Care Tips: Softness Maintenance

Even after all of this, keeping your towels soft will still be an ongoing affair. It’s not just about a one-time fix; it’s about incorporating a few simple habits into your routine.

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