
Here’s Exactly How To Make Your Bath Towels Soft Again And Get Them Back Into Cuddle-Worthy Condition

For starters, let’s talk about fabric softener. While it seems like a go-to for keeping things soft, it’s actually a bit of an enemy to towels.

Over time, it can build up and make them less absorbent and more stiff. So, it’s best to skip it altogether.

Another tip is to wash your towels separately. This helps to avoid the rough and tumble they get from mixing with other types of fabrics, which can make their surface feel more like a brillo pad than a plush blanket.

Also, before and after drying, give your towels a good shake. This might seem trivial, but it’s like giving your towels a mini spa treatment– it fluffs up the fibers, making them feel more luxurious.

Lastly, don’t play favorites with your towels. Instead, you should rotate which ones you use regularly. This helps in preventing overwashing and wear, keeping them all in top-notch, cuddle-worthy condition.

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