
If Your Kids Are Totally Bored Of Being Stuck Inside This Winter, Here Are 15 Unique Indoor Activities To Cure Everyone’s Cabin Fever

This won’t only be entertaining– and give you a moment alone to breathe– but it’s also great for fostering problem-solving skills.

3. Experiment With DIY Science Projects

Simple science experiments using household items can be both fun and educational, too.

From making a volcano with baking soda and vinegar to making slime with glue or creating a rainbow with a glass of water and sunlight, the possibilities are totally endless, and YouTube will be your best friend.

4. Get Artsy

A beloved activity among most kids is arts and crafts time. So, let your little ones unleash their inner Picasso by setting up an art session.

Just lay out some paints, crayons, and paper, and let their creativity flow. You can also give them a drawing prompt to spark motivation or incorporate recyclable materials to teach about sustainability.

5. Indoor Obstacle Course

Everyone remembers, “The floor is lava!” So why not recreate a similar memory for your own children?!

You can use pillows, chairs, and tables to create a fun obstacle course right through your own living room. And while this will totally tire your kids out, it will also improve their motor skills.

6. Cook Together

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