
You Must Be Aware Of These Essential Home Safety Tips Because They Could Save Your Life In The Event Of An Emergency

kite_rin - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Your home is meant to be a place of comfort and safety, a sanctuary you can retreat to after a long day’s work. However, emergencies can happen when you least expect them. It can be easy to overlook some basic safety measures within the home.

But being prepared to deal with accidents and understanding how to mitigate potential risks is crucial and can mean the difference between your life and your death. Here are some essential home safety tips that could save your life in various emergencies.

Keep Humidity Levels Low

When humidity levels are high in your home, it can contribute to mold growth, which is detrimental to your health. Mold can be a silent killer, triggering a host of health problems that seem to come from nowhere if you’re not aware of its presence in your home.

Living with mold can cause you to experience skin rashes, respiratory issues, and congestion. To prevent mold from growing, make sure your humidity levels do not go above 50 percent.

Clean Your Dryer

The dryer is one of the leading causes of house fires. Dryers can start fires because people fail to clean their machines properly. To keep your home and family safe, make sure to regularly remove all the lint, dust, and fibers from your dryer.

You can scrub the lint screen with soap and water using an old toothbrush. Afterward, rinse and dry it thoroughly. Additionally, wipe down your dryer every so often to get rid of any built-up lint.

Do This When You’re Choking

kite_rin – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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