
Ask Yourself These Key Questions To Help Build The Closet of Your Dreams

Joshua Resnick - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Are you someone who constantly stresses out about having “nothing to wear” when, in all honesty, you have a closet full of clothes?

Getting rid of and learning how to prioritize articles of clothing is really difficult, and many of us are guilty of holding onto items we never wear. It’s a privileged position to be in and a habit that’s hard to break.

Your dream closet or wardrobe should be filled with pieces you adore and can see yourself wearing for a long time.

So, after you’ve done a proper closet clean-out, here are some things you should ask yourself before purchasing more clothes to go into your dream closet. 

Does it fit properly?

I’m often a sucker for buying something that doesn’t fit quite right when I try it on in the store and convincing myself that it will fit eventually.

For instance, have you ever bought a shirt that was too tight or small and thought you’d “save it” for when you shed a few pounds? 

Or perhaps there’s something that needs to be adjusted or taken in by a tailor, so you buy it but then never go through with visiting a tailor?

Prioritize buying something that fits you perfectly the moment you try it on. This means you’re bound to start wearing it immediately after purchasing, and it’ll soon become one of your favorite pieces!

Joshua Resnick – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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