
His Boyfriend Keeps Wiping Out His Fridge And Eating All Of His Groceries, Which His Parents Pay For While He’s In School, So He Had To Ban His Boyfriend From Cooking At His House

gstockstudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you’re in a serious relationship with someone and see them almost every day but still live in separate places, balancing the cost of things like groceries can get a bit complicated.

For instance, how would you feel if you lived on your own and bought your own groceries but had a partner come over and eat most of them?

One man recently argued with his boyfriend, who eats most of the groceries his parents get for him while he attends graduate school.

He’s 28-years-old and made a deal with his parents while he attends graduate school and lives alone. Because they want him to eat well while studying, his parents have been paying for his groceries while he pays his other bills.

Although his parents never set a maximum price on his grocery budget, he still tries to stay frugal with how much he spends, as he doesn’t want to put them out.

“I’m back on my extremely frugal way of eating and meal planning because [I’m] not gonna take advantage of my parents’ generosity,” he said.

“My 27-year-old boyfriend, however, basically inhales all my food every time he’s over.”

His boyfriend has shamelessly eaten all of the snacks, frozen meals, and meat he’s bought in the past and doesn’t see anything wrong with it. For instance, his boyfriend once finished food he had already started eating without permission.

Because he doesn’t want to make his parents spend any more money on his groceries, he’s had to use his money to replace the large amounts of food his boyfriend eats, throwing off his budget several times.

gstockstudio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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