
His Girlfriend Quit Her Job To Be A Travel Influencer, And He’s Thinking It’s Time To Dump Her

Yevhenii - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For the last five years, this 35-year-old man has been dating his 33-year-old girlfriend. She has been working full-time as a realtor, but she unexpectedly quit to pursue her dream of becoming a travel influencer.

His girlfriend has zero experience with travel influencing, but she still thinks she can earn enough money to support herself doing this, which he says is completely delusional.

“I always envisioned my partner as someone who was somewhat into a stable career and also someone who was self-sufficient and able to pay for their needs, rent, and some of their desires,” he explained.

“However, with this news of a career change, it concerns me because I don’t see this as a move towards stability, and it puts me in the role [of] being even more responsible for another adult in our relationship.”

“At the moment, I cover 90% of the bills, but I want a relationship where both partners are financially stable and contributing their fair share.”

Previously, he was in a relationship with a woman where he was the one carrying all of their expenses, and that relationship was a big lesson for him.

He learned that it’s important for him to be with a woman who can pay her own way and equally contribute to household expenses.

Given the fact that his girlfriend just quit her career and has no way to make money right now, it’s a major turn-off for him.

“In the past, my GF was working full-time and gave the illusion that she was self-sufficient (or working towards it),” he said.

Yevhenii – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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