
If You’re Looking For A Sustainable Gardening Practice, Try Using Rain Barrels To Help Hydrate Your Plants

nattanan - - illustrative purposes only

If you have a penchant for sustainable gardening practices, you might’ve contemplated collecting rainwater to hydrate your plants with.

Water is a valuable resource, and in many areas across the United States, water restrictions are becoming more of a frequent occurrence as climate change affects the weather.

Summers are getting hotter and drier than ever before. Plus, outdoor watering is growing more expensive to maintain.

And that’s where rain barrels come into play. Rain barrels are large drums positioned under your roof to catch rainwater.

Usually, a screen of some sort is used to prevent from leaves, bugs, and other debris from falling into the barrel.

To get the water from your barrel into your garden, a spigot must be installed on the lower end of the barrel and can be attached to a hose or used to fill up watering cans.

Rainwater is great for your plants. It is naturally soft, meaning that it hasn’t been treated with a bunch of chemicals, unlike the water that runs from our taps.

For us, it’s necessary to treat our water so that it’s safe to drink. But that same water isn’t really the best for your plants.

Collecting rainwater to use in your garden will benefit the growth of your plants, reduce run-off, and minimize the use of municipal water, which may lower your water bill.

nattanan – – illustrative purposes only

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